
2012 introduces our new blog and website. We hope you enjoy reading about the OEW mission journeys on here. You may still access the archived former blog on http://hazelbechs.blogspot.com Our website is now: www.oewcompassion.org.uk

Friday 25 May 2012

Give us Today our Daily Bread

Something close to my heart in Rwanda is the work among the deaf at the Mango Tree Church. This began a few years ago when two women from Open Hands came out with a team of evangelists from Wales. Susan, who is profoundly deaf herself, and Ruth her friend and sign language interpreter now come out to Rwanda twice a year. They have built up a powerful ministry to around 50 deaf people in partnership with the church.

Hazel, Susan and Ruth
In Rwanda the deaf (along with other disabled people) struggle to find acceptance, education and the means to survive independently. Many are desperately poor, have little to eat and live in very poor accommodation. They also have little access to bible teaching and the opportunity to learn about and get to know the love of Jesus Christ. Susan and Ruth have now learned Rwandan sign language and are doing a wonderful job of teaching, supporting and loving the deaf of Kanombe and its environs.

Susan with Nadia and Christine (both deaf)
They have found a few sponsors in UK to help with school fees for the children. They have instigated the establishment of a sewing workshop in the church to enable the deaf young women to earn a little money making clothes and crafts for sale. It has not been easy and there have been many problems and setbacks but rthis work is giving the deaf a chance in life that was not there for them before. Some of the young people have been baptised now and others have gone on to be confirmed into the Anglican church. One young man is now a church warden. Church members are taking a sign language course which runs every Wednesday in the church building and one or two do their best to interpret during the services. The deaf have formed their own choir and when they get up to worship the Lord together tears spring to my eyes! What a wonderful witness to God's love and mercy.

Sign language class in the Mango Tree Church

The plan now is to build a proper centre for the deaf next to the church. The land is there and the will to do it is strong. This will be a place for vocational training for young men and women. The sewing workshop as it is just now is in a very small space which limits their activities. The centre will also provide teaching of literacy skills, health education and sign language - also will be a place for counselling and other practical help. We are praying that the Lord will open the way for the money needed and that others will catch the vision to help these neglected and lovely people who just need a chance in life to exercise their true potential.

Susan with the sewing workshop girls