
2012 introduces our new blog and website. We hope you enjoy reading about the OEW mission journeys on here. You may still access the archived former blog on http://hazelbechs.blogspot.com Our website is now: www.oewcompassion.org.uk

Sunday 31 March 2013

Christ is Risen Today!

What a wonderful day to set off on mission - Easter Day is so special; but I do believe it is the first time I have seen a white Easter. In fact we have been having daily snow since Christmas - well it seems like it anyway. We had a wonderful Easter service of baptism at St John's after the 'young and fit' had come down from the mountain top of the Cockleroi Hill and the joint churches open air service this morning.

So now I am all packed up and ready to head out. I am meeting up with Ruth in Amsterdam tomorrow morning and we fly together to Kigali. This will be a very short mission - just two weeks - so I am expecting it to be very busy and I pray that things will come together. The second week of the trip will take us down to Burundi for a few days to meet with Charles of Cup of Cool Water. There is much to plan and discuss as OEW are hoping to raise enough money to be able to construct a small polyclinic for the poor - a dire need identified a few years ago by Charles and his team.

Please would you pray for the following while we are away:
  • For health and strength for Ruth and I
  • For wisdom and insight in our meetings and discussions with our ministry partners in Rwanda and Burundi
  • For clear communication in sign language as Ruth teaches the deaf about the gospel and the resurrection of Jesus
  • For our "special day for the deaf" at the Mango Tree Church next Thursday
  • For the group of deaf people that we will be meeting for the first time in Bujumbura
  • For our safety as we travel on the roads of Rwanda with me driving
  • For the leadership team of the Mango Tree Church as we discuss many plans with them
  • For Winnie, Louis and the boys.
I hope to be able to add more blog posts during the two weeks - but this does depend on having adequate internet access!!