
2012 introduces our new blog and website. We hope you enjoy reading about the OEW mission journeys on here. You may still access the archived former blog on http://hazelbechs.blogspot.com Our website is now: www.oewcompassion.org.uk

Friday 8 June 2012

Leave your Country and Go to the Land I will Show You

Stepping into a new situation in a far country seems a little daunting right now. In one week I will be setting off for a new challenge in India with Julie, a friend and colleague. Our goal is to spend almost a month in one of the leprosy affected communities that OEW has been supporting from a distance for the past few years.

I have visited them several times on previous visits to the area - but only ever for a few hours at a time when taking supplies of food and clothing and accompanying the doctor from Reap India when conducting medical camps.

The people in this village have been living in terribly poor conditions, but recently OEW has supported the improvement of houses, installation of drinking water wells and basic medical care. We work in partnership with Reap India (EARE Ministries) to respond to needs as indicated by the community.

However we believe that to be a real help we needed to help the people to help themselves. We took advice from the director of the Leprosy Mission Scotland and the director of Leprosy Mission International and quickly came to the conclusion that the most helpful thing we could do was to teach them how to set up and run 'Self Care Groups.' If leprosy is not diagnosed early enough, nerves that affect the fingers, toes, legs, arms and face can be damaged which results in a loss of movement and feeling in these areas. Once sensation has been lost it cannot be restored. When a person treads on something sharp or holds something hot they do not feel pain and so they don't realise they are causing harm to their bodies.

We plan to work with the village leaders teaching them how to care for their eyes, hands and feet so that they can then cascade this teaching to the people in the community. Julie and I will be teaching for three weeks so it will be quite a challenge for us. This preventative work will complement the service provided by our mobile medical vehicle / ambulance. This has been purchased thanks to the generous giving of our supporters. We are taking with us the finance to customise and kit it out while we are there. So I would extend a very big thank you to everyone who has contributed to this project over the past eighteen months.

Please pray for us.

"Do not be afraid little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:33

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