
2012 introduces our new blog and website. We hope you enjoy reading about the OEW mission journeys on here. You may still access the archived former blog on http://hazelbechs.blogspot.com Our website is now: www.oewcompassion.org.uk

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Though it linger, wait for it

Then the Lord replied:
"Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.
For the revelation awaits an appointed time; It speaks of the end and it will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and not delay."

I had a clear revelation that we would have an ambulance / mobile clinic for the leprosy work when I was in the shower one morning in India two Christmases ago. It was as clear as day that this was the vision for OEW for 2011. At the time it seemed an impossible dream for such a small ministry to undertake

However, I returned to Scotland and made up a special PowerPoint presentation and I then told my church and several other churches, individuals and groups about this vision.

One of many ambulances considered but rejected.
Gradually the funding came in, then groups of folk held fund-raising events such as a highly successful bag and scarf sale in Larkhall, a wonderful Golden Oldies night of songs and music in our church building, and most recently a superb Multi-Media Quiz night in Linlithgow. People caught the vision and wanted to help.

Jim and Cis who organised the Golden Oldies Night
But still we did not have enough. We prayed about it and continued the communication efforts to all and sundry. A little more came in but still not enough.

Mark - our fantastic Quiz Master!
For all these events many volunteers helped, selling tickets, making jars of home made marmalade to sell on the stalls, baking cakes for the refreshments, shifting furniture, setting up the sound systems and computer links etc.

Almost 100 people came to the quiz
Well,  I arrived in India three weeks ago and still no ambulance purchased. It takes time to source and negotiate for the right one. In the meantime REAP India were building a large vehicle shed / garage on land at the back of their HQ. Of course they need somewhere to keep it safe when it is not on the road. But Julie and I kept praying that it would come before we leave at the weekend.

Then yesterday evening at the end of the EARE/REAP India pastors' meeting our ambulance arrived from Bangalore. We were all so joyful to see it come around the corner with blue light flashing and the siren singing out praises to God! (Well that is what it seemed like to us!)

Everyone cheering our first sight of it!!

The eagle has landed!

Dedication of the new ambulance

                               Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and not delay.


  1. Praise God!

    Wonderful to see the ambulance, I know it will make a tremendous difference out there. It makes me embarrassing myself singing at two golden oldies night's worth it!

    You and Julie are achieving so much on this trip Hazel, well done. You remain in my prayers.

    GBY, David

    1. Thanks David. By the way I have you and Lorna singing at the Golden Oldies night on video - what's it worth not to post it on YouTube?!! LOL

  2. What an amazing story Hazel, praise God for His faithfulness! Will now be praying for the resources to staff and maintain this wonderful work. Brilliant!!


  3. Thank you Linda! Yes, please keep praying we so want this to be a success and for it to carry the glory of God wherever it goes.
