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Saturday 29 June 2013

Summer Mission to Rwanda 2013

Earlier this week I arrived once more at our ministry centre in Kanombe near Kigali in Rwanda. I was accompanied by Julie Woodford, the missionary who went with me to India this time last year to set up and teach our leprosy village how to care for their limbs and prevent disability. We have been so encouraged to receive the latest reports from India that the village people now have very few wounds and lesions as they are healing up so well as a result of the teachings we gave them. This has freed up the doctor and the mobile clinic to begin work in other neglected villages further afield.

The hot dry season is now in full swing - and we have had no water in the house at all until today, when we had an abundant overflow into the garden. That's what happens here all the time.

On Wednesday we visited the school - usually I am here in the holidays - so it was great to meet the headmaster, teachers and of course the children who are as bright and energetic as ever. We were honoured to be invited to have lunch in the school dining room - delicious rice, beans and beef.

Julie eating her school dinner at Alpha Academy!

On Thursday we visited Hope Village - a purpose built village for genocide widows and orphans. Elsie Hitimana invited us to join the women in their weekly fellowship and Bible study, sitting out in the open air, on top of a hill. Since my last visit a year or two back the community has grown to 29 houses with the 30th house just being started. They have 29 cows kept in scrupulously clean conditions not far from the houses.

The women were making traditional baskets while they waited for everyone to gather. These baskets are made of reeds, brightly dyed sisal and are hand sewn. We could not resist buying a few to take back.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress James 1:27

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