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Tuesday 9 July 2013

From the lips of children and infants. Psalm 8:2

We just returned from a visit to Musanze in north west Rwanda where we spent a couple of days with our missionary friend Pam who has lived in Rwanda since about 2000. She started up a children's project a few years ago in partnership with a young Rwandan called Nathan and they now have a thriving nursery and primary school called Excel School. As the school has grown they have added classes and are now at P5 with 305 pupils. This is a remarkable achievement and I have been very privileged to have been involved right from the start.

On Monday we had such a special time at Pam and Nathan's school. They invited us to meet the children and to hear the choir sing for us ......but it was so much more!

My friend Julie wrote these words about it:
"Pam's school just abounds with the love, care and the teaching of God to the kids. It has grown from nothing. It is built on prayer. Pam had arranged for a 1/2 hour to 1 hour programme by the worship choir and dancers. 2 1/2 to 3 hours later we were still being moved spiritually. emotionally and physically by the kids praising, singing and dancing to the Lord. 

Nathan leading the choir
Hazel and I were both asked to speak to and pray for the school, which we were very happy to do, and we would have stayed all day in that wonderful place if we could have done so. I have never seen a group of happier or more confident children - who were very willing to sing on their own and even pray out at the front of the school. Even the 3 year old children took part and the traditional dance group was spectacular. The school secretary is one of the national ballet dancers and has taught the children well. Eventually the performance ended and the children went back to their classrooms and to lunch and we felt rather guilty at disrupting the school's curriculum for the day - but as Pam said, when moved to tears as were all three of us at times, it was well worth it. She really is special and I have been honoured to meet her." I could not have described the day better!

The school choir recently participated in an East African choir festival and next month they are going to a competition in Dar es Salaam. They are very gifted children.

With singing lips my mouth will praise
Psalm 63:5


  1. What a fantastic experience Hazel. It sounds like worship is a big part of their curriculum!

  2. Yes David, I have never seen a group of children like this before - so filled with the Holy Spirit. It was truly awesome.
