
2012 introduces our new blog and website. We hope you enjoy reading about the OEW mission journeys on here. You may still access the archived former blog on http://hazelbechs.blogspot.com Our website is now: www.oewcompassion.org.uk

Thursday 8 January 2015

Back in Action Again!

Four days before setting off for my November mission trip to Rwanda I had a bad fall and ended up in hospital with a nasty fractured hip. The original surgery did not sort the problem out and I was out of action for several months until a second operation corrected the problem and I am now on the road to having a fully working hip once again.

This unexpected setback meant an end to my planned travels to Africa for the whole year. However, I was able to maintain good contact with our ministry partners in India and Burundi during the year which meant I could continue to send out funding as needed. Unfortunately I was not able to get to Rwanda either, as we wound up our operation in that country in 2014. Our work there was complete after many years.

Our main focus just now is the construction of a 50 bed community hospital in a very poor suburb of Bujumbura. The need there is extreme as the poor have no access to medical care other than tiny roadside pharmacy booths. Many people are dying of simple diseases and women die in childbirth, so the provision of this hospital/clinic will make a massive difference to many lives. Our partners in this are a Burundian NGO called Cup of Cool Water headed up by a wonderful man of God - Charles Ndikumana.

Building work began in April 2014 and continues. It should be completed by the summer of 2015. The work is going very well and we are optimistic that it will come in on time.

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