
2012 introduces our new blog and website. We hope you enjoy reading about the OEW mission journeys on here. You may still access the archived former blog on http://hazelbechs.blogspot.com Our website is now: www.oewcompassion.org.uk

Thursday 12 April 2012

Thy Kingdom Come

God's kingdom is where God's people are.At the weekend we were a group of God's people from four nations meeting together and celebrating our friendship and our love of Jesus.

Charles Ndikumana and his wife Rose came up to Kigali by bus with their ministry colleague, Ezekiel. We spent three days together here in the ministry centre at Kanombe, sharing our hopes and plans, praying together and sharing fellowship. On Saturday evening we all went into Kigali City to the new bishop's residence at Kiyovu, not far from the St Etienne Cathedral. There we spent a good time with Winnie and Louis and all three boys. Iggy and David are home for the Easter break from their boarding school in Arusha, Tanzania. I was amazed at how tall they both are. Iggy is taller than me and dwarfs his mother. David is not far behind him.

This must make Iggy almost six feet tall - no wonder he loves playing basket ball at school and is on the junior team.

Barny is now a weekly boarder at Alpha, which he loves doing. He and another boy stay in the old family house along with the new headmaster.

I must say I miss them all as my immediate neighbours on the school campus. It is especially quiet just now as the schools are all on holiday and there is hardly anyone about.

This evening I am going up to Hope Village with Elsie and Nicholas Hitimana. It is genocide memorial week at the moment and they go every day to be with the widows. I have not done this for a couple of years so it will be good to see how they are all getting on.

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