
2012 introduces our new blog and website. We hope you enjoy reading about the OEW mission journeys on here. You may still access the archived former blog on http://hazelbechs.blogspot.com Our website is now: www.oewcompassion.org.uk

Monday 9 April 2012

Thunder and Lightening

In Rwanda now for a week. This time of year is always mixed climate wise - a glorious hot day followed by a dreich and cold one. The rainy season is upon us and the Rwandese love it because the countryside is revived with lush green vegetation and beautiful flowering shrubs and bushes wherever you look.

Last year I poked some tiny cuttings - geraniums, hibiscus, a blue flowering shrub and some nasturtiums into the garden of the ministry centre. I did this more in hope than expectation! I was astonished when I arrived last week to see my front patch transformed with flowers and shrubs at least knee high. They have grown so fast that now I will need to thin them out to make room for further expansion. The rather miserable nut tree which Winnie planted about 4 or 5 years ago and stayed the same 12 inches high all that time is now about three feet tall! The mango tree I planted 3 years ago and has done nothing of note is now well over five feet. It is quite remarkable how fast these plants have taken off. Maybe I will be able to harvest some mangoes later on.

We have had some spectacular thunderstorms - thankfully I have been indoors at home when they have happened. The sheer volume of water is incredible and these storms have sometimes gone on all night - with the rain thundering on the tin roof at high volume. I have become resigned to leaks and floods now - as long as they are not directly on my head when I am in bed I can cope!


  1. I wish I had experienced a rainy season in Rwanda Hazel. It sounds an amazing experience, although I suppose if you have to live with it it's less fun.

    You seem to be doing really well, despite the leaks, glad your meetings have gone well so far, how was Sunday at MTC? How did your preach go?

    Say hello to all my friends, I was just looking at some of my pictures of the wedding and the twinning with MTC, happy, happy memories!

    Thinking of you often Hazel, God Bless You,


  2. Hazel, was out weeding my veg patch this afternoon, getting ready for potatoes, peas & beans - not as exciting as your fruit & nut combo. My little helper Matt filled in his big mud hole and started spreading sand - good for drainage. Post up some pictures of your plants.
    God bless you and your work, Dave M & Matt.
