
2012 introduces our new blog and website. We hope you enjoy reading about the OEW mission journeys on here. You may still access the archived former blog on http://hazelbechs.blogspot.com Our website is now: www.oewcompassion.org.uk

Saturday 6 April 2013

For God so loved the world......

Working with the Deaf in Kanombe is such a joy. OK, it has its frustrations too.....but so does anything we undertake that is truly worthwhile! Ruth and I are here together without the help of our dear friend Susan who has had to stay in the UK to work at this time. The burden of effective communication has fallen on Ruth who is brilliant at signing in BSL and who (I think) is also brilliant at signing in Rwandan SL - very different. As for me, I am trailing behind with my partial knowledge and pitiful expertise in beginners' BSL!!

Nadia and Ruth

Nadia (pictured above with Ruth) is a key person in this ministry to the deaf. She has been profoundly deaf from contracting meningitis as a baby but has overcome her disability in a remarkable way and is about to graduate from the university this summer. She is fluent in English and French and has taught Ruth and Susan Rwandan sign language over the past few years. She took a break from her studies to be with us for the day to assist in the communication process during the Bible teaching.

On Thursday, 31 deaf people from young kids up to adults arrived for breakfast at the Mango Tree Church. Many of them travel long distances to get here, often walking for many miles on foot and on empty stomachs.  So we have bread and maize porridge together before we embark on the day itself.  

Telling the story of Easter was interspersed with dramatic scenes to illustrate the teaching. It was very powerful and some of the young folk wept tears as the story unfolded. Worship songs were signed and everyone joined in with dancing and joy.

The remainder of the day was spent in the young folk doing crafts together and playing ball games in the church after a massive lunch of beef, rice, bananas, chips, spinach, beans and gravy cooked by the church ladies. We like to feed them up before they go home. For many, it will be the only decent meal of the week.

Please continue to pray for this important ministry. There is a big need for education, housing and food for many of these forgotten and neglected people.....but most of all they need Jesus.


  1. Very encouraging Hazel, thanks for keeping us up to date. You and Ruth as well as our family in Kenombe are in our prayers.
