
2012 introduces our new blog and website. We hope you enjoy reading about the OEW mission journeys on here. You may still access the archived former blog on http://hazelbechs.blogspot.com Our website is now: www.oewcompassion.org.uk

Monday 8 April 2013

New Every Morning.......

Halfway through the Easter mission now, we are preparing to travel to Burundi tomorrow. So far we have concentrated on our work and ministry with the Mango Tree Church in Kanombe. Last week we had a marvellous time with the deaf group - teaching and having fellowship time with them. On Sunday we were teaching them about Job and how he responded to his trials and difficulties without losing his faith in the Lord. That was quite challenging teaching at this time of the genocide memorial week in Rwanda.

Sunday School for the Deaf
Today we had a good meeting with the church leadership team to discuss their vision for the future development of the church and the ministry to the deaf. Ruth and I needed to gain some clarity about the way forward and how we might be able to assist them.

Church meeting
Now we are focusing on the second half of the mission - our visit to Cup of Cool Water in Burundi. We fly down in the morning and will return on Friday to Kigali. We are so thankful to donors in UK who have given baby and children's clothes and soft toys;  to East Lothian Health Board and the Edinburgh branch of the Podiatrists and Chiropodists Association who have donated copious quantities of top quality sterile dressings, catheters, and other medical bits and pieces.

We have filled two suitcases with these gifts and will take them on the plane tomorrow to give to Cup of Cool Water.

Our mission purpose for Burundi is two-fold. Firstly, we will be meeting a small group of deaf people to do some sharing and Bible teaching. Ruth has not been to Burundi before and so this is a first for her. Please pray for our ability to communicate with these deaf folk as there is a strong likelihood that their version of sign language may be different from Rwandan sign language. Our second mission focus is to review and discuss plans for the polyclinic that Charles Ndikumana wants to build in partnership with OEW. We hope to visit and prayer walk the site and to clarify the priorities and time-scales.

Please pray for our safety and for a positive outcome from our brief visit to our brothers and sisters in Christ in Burundi.

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